In the News - Mary's City of David Joins the Southwest Michigan Directory
"We are in full support of the designs and efforts that are apparent within the Southwest Michigan Business and Tourism Directory, and we hope to be a part of its growth, success and commonwealth among all participants," states Ron Taylor, Secretary of the Trustees for Mary's City of David.
"Speaking from a small community within Southwest Michigan Michigan, that over half of the 20th Century was a major contributor the agricultural and tourist economy of the region, I am pleased to enjoin a new vision of Southwest Michigan Michigan renaissance of business/tourism in sync. with our restorations and new growth at City of David. Celebrating our Centennial, 1903-2003, as America's third oldest practicing Christian community, we have from our origins in SW Michigan promoted area business and the commonwealth
of success throughout."
In 1913, the Israelite House of David (precursor to the City of David) published an article in the News Palladium that boasted the nationwide advertisements of Benton Harbor/Saint Joseph and all of Southwest Michigan Michigan as the most wonderful place in the mid west to spend a summer vacation.
• Traveling Jazz Orchestras
• Base Ball Teams
• Evangelical Missions throughout North America
"The House of David was the area's biggest advertiser for the whole, and all benefited from the tourist dollars spent locally from tourism and fruit market buyers. It has been, and remains unto this day, an important aspect of our local posture to not only promote the area's wealth of interests, but to be a part of its unique qualities that create lasting memories and subsequent return visits," continued Taylor.
"As we continue to grow in our many facetted restorations, we also wish to share the wealth of tourist dollars in networking with other regional attractions and accommodations."
For more information, visit Mary's City of David listed on our Attractions and Religion pages.
To learn how you can submit an article to the SWMI Directory, click here.